A professional field guide course is a program designed to help individuals to transition from an entry-level career directly into practice. It requires coursework that includes an in-depth analysis of the wildlife, including how to survive in a jungle, learning the territory of the African jungle, getting trained, and becoming a guide.

There are various subjects involved in this training course in which you learn a lot of things about the wildlife.


Geology is a study of the Earth, its features and its processes. It is an important science that was first studied by ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and Chinese.

Geology has always been used as a basic subject in field guide courses because it can help the students get to know their environment better and learn how to find resources like water, energy or minerals while surviving in wildlife.

Weather and Climate:

There are many different types of weather, each with its own unique characteristics. Weather and climate are the Basic subjects of this field guide course.

The course is designed to teach students about the principles of weather and climate, as well as how to analyze weather and climate data.

professional field guide course

Both physical science and social science are covered in the course, which is designed for professionals in various fields who want to learn about these topics.

Basic Ecology:

Basic Ecology is an important part of this course. It provides students with the foundation of ecological science.

The goal of Basic Ecology is to help students understand the underlying concepts while learning about the four basic ecological systems.

It also includes a lab section in which students learn how to identify and distinguish different types of plants and animals by using their senses in order to do some practical fieldwork.

The most challenging part of this course can be that it can be hard for students to stay focused on the content due to all their other distractions, such as friends and family members asking questions or even interrupting class time with phone calls or emails.

Biomes of South Africa:

Biomes of South Africa is also a basic subject of professional field guide course. It is a very important subject that should be well covered.

Biomes are different types of land formations that can be classified into one or more climate types. It includes climatic zones and/or soil moisture, vegetation and other factors to determine the distinctive type of habitat. This course provides students with the basics on this subject in order to have a better understanding when they start doing their research later on in their careers.